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Fork In The Road
Episode 146R

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Embracing the diverse skills acquired through experience is crucial to navigating life's challenges and achieving financial independence. The concept of a 'talent stack' emerges as a vital strategy, allowing individuals to combine various proficiencies to create unique solutions and enhance opportunities. With the discussion centered around investing in self-improvement and education, the hosts highlight the importance of practical skill acquisition over traditional degrees. They emphasize the societal expectation of pursuing degrees without questioning their value. As they share insights from their own journeys and listener stories, the podcast features valuable discussions on navigating financial advising, recognizing scams, and learning to trust one's instincts in financial decisions. Ultimately, building wealth and understanding the nuances of investing play a significant role in achieving life goals and maintaining control over personal finances.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Summary:
This episode emphasizes skills over degrees in the pursuit of financial independence. The hosts discuss the concept of 'talent stacking'—the practice of developing a diverse set of skills rather than striving for mastery in one area. Shannon Allen shares her journey of resilience and the importance of trusting one's instincts in financial decisions. The episode also announces the upcoming book, "ChooseFI, Your Blueprint to Financial Independence," set to launch soon.

Key Topics Discussed:

1. Introduction

  • Podcast Intro:

2. Discussion on Talent Stacking

    • The hosts discuss the concept of "talent stacking" and its relevance in today's economy.
    • Learning a multitude of skills can lead to unique advantages and innovative approaches to problem-solving.

3. Shannon Allen's Journey

    • Shannon shares her incredible story of overcoming adversity, including financial mishaps and resilience in her journey to reclaim lost funds.
    • Quote: "Life without adversity is not a life well lived."

4. Trusting Your Gut in Financial Decisions

    • Discussion on the importance of trusting one’s instincts in financial matters.
    • Quote: "You have to trust yourself."

5. Book Launch Announcement

    • Announcement of "ChooseFI, Your Blueprint to Financial Independence," detailing its focus on practical strategies for financial growth.
    • Quote: "Honest and simple rules pave the way to financial independence."

Key Insights:

  • Talent Stacking: Developing a range of skills provides unique opportunities.
  • Personal Development: Investing in courses or training can lead to better financial outcomes than traditional degrees.
  • Resilience: Embracing and learning from adversity is crucial for personal and financial growth.
  • Instincts Matter: Personal responsibility and trusting one's judgement are vital in financial decisions.
  • Simple Rules for Independence: Building wealth involves implementing straightforward strategies consistently.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Start developing a diverse skillset today for long-term benefits.
  • Trust your gut feelings in financial choices to safeguard your interests.
  • Consider pre-ordering the upcoming book to gain structured insights into achieving financial independence.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Learning skills enables personal growth and control over your life."
  • "Every small decision contributes significantly to your life trajectory."

Discussion Questions:

  • What skills have you developed that contribute to your unique advantage?
  • How can trusting your instincts improve your financial decisions?
  • In what ways can small choices lead to significant life changes?

Email Campaigns:

  • Highlight the importance of talent stacking and how small skills can lead to significant outcomes.
  • Encourage listeners to trust their instincts in financial matters based on Shannon Allen's experiences.

Podcast Extro:
Podcast Extro: You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time.

Unlocking Financial Independence: The Power of Skills Over Degrees

In today’s fast-paced economy, the traditional path of obtaining a degree followed by steady employment is no longer the only—or perhaps even the best—route to financial independence. The latest insights from the ChooseFI podcast illuminate the value of investing in practical skills and personal development, advocating for a more versatile approach to career growth.

Embrace Talent Stacking

One key concept that emerges is talent stacking. This idea encourages you to develop a diverse range of skills rather than focusing solely on mastering a single discipline. By becoming proficient in various areas, you create unique advantages that set you apart from others. Take action by:

  • Identifying complementary skills: Look for areas that enhance your primary skills. For example, if you're a marketer, learning graphic design can help you craft better campaigns.
  • Pursuing continuous learning: Invest in various courses or workshops to expand your knowledge. Platforms like Coursera or Udemy are great for this, often listing courses at a fraction of the cost of traditional degree programs.

Why Skills Matter More Than Degrees

The podcast emphasizes skepticism toward traditional educational paths that may not yield direct financial benefits. Instead, developing employable skills provides immediate practical value. To capitalize on this:

  • Consider your ROI: Reflect on the return you expect from any educational expense. Often, investing in direct skill acquisition pays off in job opportunities and income generation.
  • Use your resources wisely: Avoid incurring unnecessary debt; opt for less expensive alternatives like online courses or community college programs tailored towards skill development.

Learning from Real-Life Experiences: Shannon Allen’s Journey

Shannon Allen’s inspiring story showcases the importance of resilience and personal responsibility in financial matters. Despite facing financial mishaps, Allen's journey underscores the significance of trusting yourself in financial decisions. Key lessons from her experiences include:

  • Adversity as a teacher: Understand that life challenges can provide invaluable lessons. Embrace the mindset that overcoming obstacles shapes growth.
  • Listening to your instincts: When dealing with finances, always trust your gut feelings. If something seems off, take a step back and reassess the situation.

Tips from Shannon’s Journey

  • Slow down in decision-making: Financial matters often rush, but taking the time to evaluate can protect you from scams or poor decisions.
  • Be persistent: If you face setbacks, like losses from fraud, use that experience to strengthen your resolve. Recovery often requires tenacity.

The Impact of Small Choices

Every small choice contributes significantly to your life trajectory. The podcast illustrates this concept beautifully:

  • Mindful decision-making: Each day, you encounter choices that can impact your future. Maintain a mindset of continuous improvement, focusing on small changes that accumulate over time.
  • Celebrate minor victories: Recognizing and rewarding small achievements can foster a habit of success, strengthening your motivation to continue making positive choices.

Simple Rules for Financial Independence

The podcast sheds light on the need for simple rules that promote financial health:

  • Understand budgeting: Keep your financial goals at the forefront and allocate your budget wisely. Regularly assess your entertainment versus skill development spending.
  • Routine evaluations: Conduct periodic self-assessments of your financial habits and choices to ensure they align with your objectives.

Action Steps Towards Financial Independence

  1. Enroll in a skill development course: Identify an online course that aligns with your interests or career goals and commit to completing it.
  2. Reflect on financial intuition: Take the time to think back on past financial decisions. What would you do differently now? Use these insights to guide future choices.
  3. Pre-order the book 'ChooseFI, Your Blueprint to Financial Independence': This upcoming release provides structured strategies for achieving financial independence.

Conclusion: Your Financial Future Awaits

Developing skills, embracing challenges, and making informed decisions stand at the forefront of financial independence. As the ChooseFI podcast articulates, the pathway to financial freedom is increasingly about cultivating a diverse skill set and trusting your judgment. By acting on these insights today, you position yourself for a robust financial future.

In summary, start your journey towards financial independence by embracing the concepts of talent stacking and prioritizing skill acquisition over traditional education. Remember that each small decision paves the way to lasting success, and make it a habit to celebrate your progress. Now is the time to take charge of your financial journey!

Brad and Jonathan discuss this week's episode with Shannyn Allan, as well as talk to Chuck Jaffe and his thoughts about Financial Independence Retire Early. Brad and Jonathan also discuss skills versus a degree.

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Building Skills

As a part of the path to FI, many decided to learn new skills along the way. These skills may seem disconnected but as you build a unique skill set you start to uncover patterns that others don't see.

We spend so much time consuming information. But do we take advantage of the fact that it's incredibly easy to learn a skill?

In Scott Adam's How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, he talks about building skills. Even if you are only in the top 10 to 20% at a skill, you can build success with multiple skills. In general, a diverse skill set is essential.

Related: Talent Stacking To Fast-Track FI

Ed from ChooseFI recently took a course to learn a new skill set. The course was created by Laptop Empires and teaches students how to succeed with digital Facebook ads. The highly in-demand digital skill can help businesses reach new customers and expand their business. You can be the person to help them fill this gap if you have the skills.

Ed loved the course and found it very valuable, so it was shared with the ChooseFI listeners; then many asked: "why isn't the course free?"

Jonathan was caught off guard by the questions because so many of us spend thousands of dollars on a degree without ever questioning the ROI. However, a relatively inexpensive course with applicable skills to the real world is something that many people question before buying.

Of course, you could go the DIY learning route but that will likely take more time.

Looking At Things Different

If you take a closer look at your budget, you may notice that you do not spend too much on self-improvement. Many people forgo that category in favor of other wants. But a small change such as a self-improvement investment can really help to make big impacts down the road. Whatever you choose as your new skill to learn or self-improvement strategy will likely help you down the road.

If you are interested in the Facebook Ad course, then you can find it here.

Resource: Vincent Pugliese's Podcast Total Life Freedom

Embrace The Suck

This week Jonathan and Brad talked to Shannyn about her path. She had an incredible message about embracing the less than ideal parts of life to make more it enjoyable. It is important to realize that not everything in life is a straight path. The journey to Financial Independence is most likely not going to be a straight path for most.

Life without adversity is not a life well lived.

It is likely that each of us will have challenges to face and mistakes to overcome. However, you cannot beat yourself up about the past. There is no point in worrying about the past because it has already happened. Instead, take that lesson with you as you move forward into the future.

Sharks In The Water

Brad and Jonathan had some words of warning to offer.

Real Estate

Shannyn had a difficult experience with wire fraud as she attempted to purchase her first home. At the time, she had faith that all parties had her best interests at heart but they didn't. Unfortunately, the person you have to trust most is you because no one is looking out for you more.

Of course, many people are there to help so don't go through life without trust. And at the same time, you need to look out for yourself and continually reevaluate the situation.

If you happen to live in the Richmond Virginia area, then Brad and Jonathan can recommend two helpful real estate contacts. The first is Raven Sickal, a real estate agent that has been helpful to Jonathan recently. The second is Missy Bass, a loan officer at the CNF mortgage company.

Check out the full episode with Shannyn here.

Financial Advisors

A friend of Jonathan's recently discovered FIRE and is on a path to make it happen. One of the first steps he took was asking his investment advisor whether or not they were a fiduciary and what they would recommend.

Jonathan warned his friend that in the future, he should ask if they are a fiduciary in every aspect of their business and learn how they are paid. If they answer yes, then still proceed with caution. If their first recommendation is whole life insurance, then you can consider that a red flag and perhaps discontinue working together.

It can be difficult to find trusted people. If you are having trouble finding trusted advisors and real estate agents, then talk to your local ChooseFI group or connect on Facebook. They can be a good resource for recommended vendors and services.

Resource: Money, Master the Game

Celebrate The Small Steps

The path to FI is all about the aggregation of marginal gains. The little choices along the way can make a big difference. Check out The Choice, a YouTube video, to see an example of these daily choices.


You can't beat yourself up about the past. But you can make different choices going forward.

Related: The Aggregation Of Marginal Gains

Book Launch

The ChooseFI book, Your Blueprint For Financial Independence, is launching October 1st! If you haven't ordered it yet, then preorder now.

Here are the first stops of the book tour.

  • Farmington Hills, MI on October 3, 2019 (please RSVP here)
  • Salt Lake City, UT on October 12, 2019
  • Richmond, VA on October 23, 2019

Here is an early book review of the book by The Fioneers.

Conversation With Chuck Jaffee

Last week, Brad brought up this article by Chuck Jaffee about his take on the FIRE movement. Today, Jaffe came on the show to talk more.

At FinCon, a 20-something blogger told Jaffe that he was not part of the FIRE movement because he had no plans to retire. However, Jaffe strongly disagrees. He loves his job and would not want to retire but he could financially afford to retire.

I think what everybody misses is that A. How they are defining financial independence. And B. How they are defining retire early.

Instead of "Financial Independence Retire Early" he suggests "Financial Independence Reset Early."

The ability to say I want to live my life on my terms. That to me is Financial Independence.

People are looking to gain choice, not always retire. For Chuck, he gained that choice a while ago but he chose to continue working.

How To Connect With Jaffe

If you are interested in connecting with Jaffe, then check out his Money Life Show. It features 1-hour interviews five days a week. You can also email him at [email protected]

You can also read more of his articles here.


If you are feeling stuck on anything, then please let us know. We would love to help! Let us know what resources you need to move forward.

Shoot us an email at [email protected]. Please include the word STUCK in your subject line.

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